3 min read

OpenAI's DevDay & GPT-4 Turbo

Yesterday, I enjoyed checking out OpenAI's DevDay, and their Opening Keynote was nothing short of transformative. The highlight for me was the announcement of GPT-4 Turbo, a monumental upgrade to the already robust GPT-4.

GPT-4 Turbo represents a significant leap forward from GPT-4 for several reasons:

  1. Increased Context Length: With a longer context window, GPT-4 Turbo can engage in extended conversations and retain more information throughout an interaction. This means users can have more complex and nuanced conversations without repeating or re-establishing context.
  2. Enhanced Control: GPT-4 Turbo offers improved control over model inputs and outputs. Developers can now dictate with greater precision how the model should behave, allowing for a more refined and targeted application of its capabilities to specific tasks or queries.
  3. Updated Knowledge Base: Staying current is crucial in the rapidly evolving world of technology. GPT-4 Turbo updates its knowledge cutoff to April 2023 and provides mechanisms for developers to plug in their own knowledge bases. This ensures that the model's responses can be as up-to-date and relevant as possible, drawing from the latest information.
  4. New Modalities: By integrating DALL-E 3, Vision, and TTS (text-to-speech), along with an updated Whisper speech recognition, GPT-4 Turbo isn't just about text anymore. It can engage with images, audio, and speech, broadening the scope of interaction to more closely mirror human multimodal communication.
  5. Customization and Fine-tuning: The ability to customize and fine-tune the model opens the door to specialized applications. Businesses and developers can create models that are finely adjusted to their specific domain or use case, making AI more relevant and powerful in specific contexts.
  6. Higher Rate Limits: With the ability to handle more requests at a time, GPT-4 Turbo can support more users and applications simultaneously. This is essential for any platform looking to scale up its operations and provide services to a larger audience without sacrificing performance.
  7. Cost Efficiency: The reduction in cost for input and output tokens makes GPT-4 Turbo more accessible. Lower costs democratize access to powerful AI tools, enabling more users to develop and deploy AI-powered applications.

But the excitement doesn't stop there. In a move that feels like a nod to both customization and community, GPTs can now be crafted for nearly any purpose. These specialized versions of ChatGPT can be programmed with language alone, making them accessible to anyone with a vision. The examples from Code.org and Canva showcase how these GPTs can be transformative, whether for educational lesson planning or for natural language vision design.

While I was initially lukewarm about the prospect of building my own ChatGPT Plugins, creating GPTs strikes me as the correct progression toward introducing everyone to task-oriented general AI assistants. This is where the rubber meets the road, and I find myself more inclined to roll up my sleeves and dive into building GPTs.


This song featuring Genesis Renji is about Mira Murati, who believed in OpenAI's vision for AGI years before the world was on board, joining the company in 2018. She was integral in deploying DALL-E (and later ChatGPT), eventually being promoted to CTO in May 2022.


GPT-4 Turbo is set to change the landscape for developers working with generative AI in the following ways:

  1. Tailor-Made AI: GPT-4 Turbo is handing developers the keys to a new kingdom of customization. They can now fine-tune AI to understand the subtleties of professional lingo across different sectors, promising a wave of industry-specific AI tools.
  2. Beyond Words: The new GPT-4 Turbo isn't just about text. It’s about sight and sound, too, with capabilities like DALL-E 3, Vision, and TTS. Developers are looking at a future where apps might convert spoken commands into graphics or provide multimodal educational experiences.
  3. Bigger, Faster, Stronger: OpenAI's latest iteration is built for the masses. With higher rate limits and improved efficiency, developers can dream up applications that cater to large audiences in real time, from on-the-fly customer service bots to live interactive gaming experiences.