2 min read

Conversing with AI: ChatGPT as Your Language Coach

In edtech, it's not uncommon to stumble upon innovations that promise to revolutionize how we learn. However, genuine transformation often lies not in the tools but in how we wield them. This philosophy is at the heart of my upcoming project, NIHON 123, which aims to teach Japanese through a unique trifecta: vocabulary, culture, and grammar. But there's a twist – this venture’s methodology draws from my language learning journey, prioritizing efficiency and immersion over rote memorization.

The crux of NIHON 123's philosophy is the integration of conversational AI, specifically ChatGPT, into the learning framework. ChatGPT, with its advanced language capabilities, presents a compelling case for a digital conversationalist, one that can engage students in dialogue, offer practice scenarios, and sharpen their linguistic acumen in real time. But the question that beckons is not about its potential – it's evident – instead, it's about the mode of integration.

Instead of embedding ChatGPT into NIHON 123 as a static feature, I'm exploring a dynamic model where students interact with the AI through prompts. These prompts will serve as springboards for learners to practice and complete their homework, essentially using ChatGPT as a study buddy, one that's always ready for a chat, a debate, or a cultural exchange.

The beauty of this approach is manifold. Firstly, it acknowledges that mastery of a language is not just about knowing the words but also about understanding the nuances, the cultural context, and the syntax that governs its structure. Secondly, it positions ChatGPT as an interactive tool, pushing students to engage with the material actively, thus reinforcing their learning through practice.

I'm currently developing these language learning prompts, designed to be challenging and engaging. These prompts will be shared on the NIHON 123 platform, inviting students to a learning experience that's not just about memorization but conversation, engagement, and real-world application.


“Speak It To Me" is a harmonious symphony of innovation and artistry. This track, a collaborative effort with the talented Genesis Renji, encapsulates the enchanting journey of learning a new language through the lens of artificial intelligence. It's not just a song; it's an experience that resonates with the rhythms of learning and the melodies of technological advancement.


The future of integrating AI like ChatGPT into language learning holds vast potential, which can unfold in various directions. Here are three examples that illustrate the possibilities:

  1. Personalized Learning Journeys: AI can develop tailored language learning curriculums that adapt to the individual's pace and style of learning, focusing on areas that need improvement. Imagine a system that teaches you Japanese and adapts to your interests, whether anime, business language, or traditional poetry, providing personalized content and practice scenarios. This could lead to more effective learning outcomes and greater motivation as students engage with materials that resonate with them.
  2. Immersive Conversation Simulations: Future advancements could see AI creating fully immersive language learning environments using virtual or augmented reality. ChatGPT could be a virtual conversation partner in a simulated Japanese street market or during a traditional tea ceremony, offering real-time dialogue and cultural insights. These simulations would allow learners to practice their language skills in realistic scenarios, preparing them for real-life conversations.
  3. Global Language Exchange Platforms: AI could facilitate global language exchange networks where learners from different parts of the world connect. ChatGPT could match learners with complementary skill sets and languages, creating a global community of language learners who grow together. The AI could mediate conversations, provide translations when needed, and even offer cultural education to help bridge the gaps between different learners, fostering a more interconnected and understanding world community.

These examples represent a glimpse of the potential future where AI like ChatGPT breaks down language learning barriers and enriches the process by making it more personalized, immersive, and globally connected.