2 min read

China Wants to Build Advanced Humanoid Robots by 2025

In the realm of future thinking, there comes a moment when an emerging technology demands our undivided attention. Today, that technology is humanoid robots. The Chinese government's recent announcement to fast-track these autonomous beings’ design and mass production signifies a pivot point in the global tech landscape.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has laid out a nine-page manifesto calling upon the nation's industries to quicken their strides. By 2025, we could see the foundations of this technology enabling the development of reliable humanoid robots for mass production by 2027. It’s a bold vision, teeming with ambition, aiming to position China at the vanguard of what may well be the next technological revolution, surpassing even the United States.

This roadmap is not merely about mechanizing repetitive tasks but fostering a new reality where machines interact with us, creating a synergy between humans and machines that rivals the societal shifts triggered by computers and smartphones.

Reflect on this: last fall, China marked a significant milestone by trading more with developing countries than with the U.S., Europe, and Japan combined. This is not just a statistic; it indicates a more extensive divergence as tensions over trade, technology, and security mount between China and the West.

Against this backdrop, 1X (formerly Halodi Robotics) closed its Series A2 funding round in March 2023 with a striking $23.5 million, spearheaded by the OpenAI Startup Fund. This infusion of capital into the android manufacturing sector clearly signals the profound, tangible advancements in the field.

One of the most compelling facets of this evolution is the potential integration of humanoid robots with generative AI, endowing them with exceptional communication skills. This fusion could redefine our interaction paradigms, birthing entities that understand, respond, and adapt to human emotions and nuances.

The accelerated timeline for this technology's maturation suggests an urgent need for entrepreneurs and innovators to acquaint themselves with the key players. Identifying sectors ripe for early adoption of humanoid robots is crucial, as these areas will likely birth many startup opportunities.

As future thinkers and potential founders, the moment to lean in is now. The robotic revolution is not on the distant horizon—it's knocking at our door. Let's open it, let's understand it, and most importantly, let's lead it.


Open Your Eyesis a song featuring Genesis Renji featuring commentary around seeing an emerging trend right in front of you.


The integration of humanoid robots with generative AI is set to redefine the contours of our daily lives. Here are three ways this fusion could reshape our everyday existence:

1. Caregiving Gets an Upgrade

  • Personalized Assistance: Humanoid robots equipped with generative AI could transform personal care, offering tailored support that aligns with individual routines and preferences.
  • Elder Care: These robots might become integral in providing 24/7 care for the elderly, capable of emergency response, health monitoring, and empathetic companionship.

2. Customer Service Reimagined

  • Retail Revolution: Imagine humanoid robots as personal shopping assistants, equipped to offer tailored recommendations and manage inventory.
  • Hospitality Enhanced: They could streamline hotel operations, from check-in to personalized guest services, all in a multitude of languages, thanks to advanced AI capabilities.

3. The Workplace Evolves

  • Collaborative Workforce: Robots could take on repetitive tasks, allowing humans to focus on creative and strategic work and even join in on brainstorming sessions with unique data-driven insights.
  • Education and Training: In educational settings, humanoid robots could provide personalized tutoring and simulate complex training scenarios across various professions.

Integrating Generative AI with humanoid robots raises significant ethical questions, particularly around the blurred lines between human and machine interactions. There's a risk that these advanced robots could diminish human-to-human contact, increasing social isolation.

Moreover, the indistinguishable nature of such interactions could lead to emotional attachments where the reciprocal emotional investment by the robot is, essentially, a simulation, potentially leading to psychological impacts on humans who might rely on or prefer the company of robots over fellow humans. This could fundamentally alter the fabric of social norms and human relationships.