1 min read

Link: Write code that you can understand when you get paged at 2am

The older I get, the more I dislike clever code. This is not a controversial take; it is pretty-well agreed upon that clever code is bad. But I particularly like the on-call responsiblity framing: write code that you can understand when you get paged at 2am. If you have never been lucky enough to get paged a 2am, I'll paint the picture for you: A critical part of the app is down. Your phone starts dinging on your nightstand next to you. You wake up with a start, not quite sure who you are or where you are. You put on your glasses and squint at the way-too-bright screen of your phone. It's PagerDuty. "Oh shit," you think. You pop open your laptop, open the PagerDuty web app, and read the alert. You go to your telemetry and logging systems and figure out approximate whereabouts in the codebase the issue is. You open your IDE and start sweating: "I have no idea what the hell any of this code means." The git blame shows you wrote the code 2 years ago. You thought that abstraction was pretty clever at the time, but now you're paying a price: your code is inscrutable to an exhausted, stressed version of yourself who just wants to get the app back online. #


Yoooo, this is a quick note on a link that made me go, WTF? Find all past links here.