2 min read

Tesla’s Leap in Humanoid Robotics: Optimus Gen 2’s Humanlike Dexterity

In a world where the lines between reality and science fiction blur, Tesla’s latest unveiling of the Optimus Gen 2 humanoid robot is a testament to this rapidly evolving era.

Tesla, a company more synonymous with electric cars than robotics, has not only showcased impressive technological advancements but has set an ambitious target for Optimus, one that challenges our perception of robotics and their role in our future society.

The video demonstration of Optimus Gen 2 was nothing short of awe-inspiring, featuring hand movements so lifelike that skeptics were quick to label it as computer-generated imagery. This skepticism, however, underscores the breakthrough Tesla has achieved. Equipped with faster, 11-DoF hands and tactile sensing, Optimus Gen 2 represents a leap in robotic dexterity, exemplified by its ability to transfer an egg between containers delicately.

Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, envisions Optimus threading a needle within a year- a task challenging even for humans. Achieving this would not only be a remarkable feat of engineering but would also position Tesla as a frontrunner in the robotics industry.

Recalling Tesla’s AI Day 2021, where the humanoid robot project was first announced with a static model and a whimsical robot suit dance, the journey of Optimus has been meteoric.

Initially met with skepticism, the project has now evolved into a potential cornerstone of Tesla’s future, with Musk stating at Tesla’s 2023 Investor Day that it may surpass the value of their automotive endeavors.

Jump to 1:48:20 in the video to see Optimus.


The emergence of humanoid robots like Optimus marks the beginning of a radical transformation. As we edge closer to a future reminiscent of science fiction, these robots are poised to become more integral to our lives than cars.

Possible Ownership Models for Humanoid Robots:

  1. Personal Ownership: Much like cars and smartphones, humanoid robots will cater to individual needs, offering companionship, home maintenance, and personal healthcare.
  2. Shared and Subscription Models: To make these robots accessible, shared ownership or subscription models, similar to car-sharing services or smartphone leases, may become prevalent.
  3. Specialized Services: Certain humanoid robots might be tailored for specific industries like healthcare or education, operated by specialized service providers.
  4. Regulatory and Ethical Landscape: The widespread use of humanoid robots will undoubtedly usher in complex regulations and ethical considerations, addressing privacy, security, and societal impacts.

All in all, it’s unbelievable to consider that there’s genuinely a pathway to humanoid robot ownership within the coming decade.