2 min read

The Horizon Worlds Metaverse Mirage: A 900 DAU Reality Check

The Metaverse, a term that has become synonymous with the future of technology, is facing a reality check. A recent observation by YouTuber Jarvis Johnson, who encountered a little over 900 English-speaking users in Meta’s Horizon Worlds, has sparked a conversation about the current state and potential of the Metaverse.

The Investment Paradox

Meta’s $36 billion investment in their Metaverse initiative contrasts the 900 daily active users. This discrepancy most certainly raises questions about the value and potential of the Metaverse. Is it a transformative technology or a marketing buzzword? That verdict is still to be determined.

A Youthful Playground

According to Jarvis, the majority of users in these virtual worlds are children, likely under the age of 18. This observation leads to a broader question: Is the Metaverse merely an extension of video gaming? Adults may not have the time to spend in virtual worlds, but children do. This demographic skew may be a sign of the Metaverse's current limitations.

The Decline of Virtual Land and NFTs

With a 98% decline in the value of virtual land and NFT-based worlds, the Metaverse's economic model appears to be faltering. Aside from Apple’s upcoming Apple Vision Pro in 2024, the lack of tangible examples further emphasizes the Metaverse's nascent stage.

The Clunky Experience

The user experience in the Metaverse is often described as awkward and clunky. This technological immaturity is a barrier to widespread adoption. However, it's essential to recognize that the 900 daily active users are pioneers, exploring and demonstrating the early use cases of this emerging technology.

A Transformative Technology in Infancy

The Metaverse is no mobile web app that can skyrocket from zero to 100 million users overnight. It's a new, transformative technology that requires time to understand, adopt, and impact. The current version of the Metaverse or virtual reality devices is not the grand finale; it's merely the beginning.

The Evolution of the Internet: A Lesson in Patience

The Internet's evolution took time, and smartphones required almost 20 years to become ubiquitous. The Metaverse deserves the same grace and patience. Just because some transformative technologies reached dead zones a year after their launch doesn't mean they are dead.

WTF? A Long Road Ahead

The Metaverse is in its early stages, and the journey ahead is long and uncertain. The observations by Jarvis and the current state of the Metaverse are not indictments but insights into a technology that is still finding its footing. The future of the Metaverse may be bright, but it requires time, investment, and a willingness to explore the unknown. The fundamental transformation is yet to come, and the road to ubiquity is a marathon, not a sprint.