2 min read

The Future of Cybersecurity and Controlling Your Digital Footprint

As I write this from the road, the world continues to evolve rapidly, bringing us to a different Sunday conversation about the present and the future of our digital lives.

Owning Your Digital Hygiene

Much like personal hygiene, the notion of digital hygiene is evolving into a conscious and thoughtful process. In the connected era, one must know what it means to own their digital footprint—the future calls for an intricate understanding of cybersecurity and a mindful approach toward one's digital presence. The era ahead will demand a firm grasp of what we must do, why, and how.

A New Frontier: Large Language Models and Content Ownership

The internet is no longer just a connected network; it's a wild frontier. We are in a state where large language models like ChatGPT are roaming the web, gathering information, attributing nothing, and linking nothing. It's a complex dilemma, a new Wild Wild West that requires decisive action.

The option to block access to these large language models is becoming a genuine concern. Why might one wish to do so? Gergely Orosz's recent tweet sheds light on the unease about publicly accessible web content being crawled by hundreds, and soon possibly thousands, of such models.

The situation calls for rate limits, plugins, and paywalls. It's about ownership and control over thoughts, ideas, and creativity. It's about an authentic, secure connection with the audience, where opinions aren't just publicly available to any web crawler.

The Way Forward: Staying Ahead of the Curve

The future requires us to be ahead of the curve, to secure our digital thoughts, blogs, websites, and domains. OpenAI's guidance on disavowing or blocking ChatGPT offers a way to exert control. The code provided on their platform offers a method to disallow GPT bots from accessing particular content.

You can choose to block or allow to participate in the GPTBot future, or to carve out a niche that preserves what's uniquely yours. This could be done by implementing specific coding or creating an allow list. However, it's about being strategic with what's shared with GPTBot and what's held back.

A Balanced Perspective

In navigating this complex terrain, it's not about right or wrong; it's about understanding and making a conscious choice. OpenAI's technologies are revolutionary, but they are also profit-driven. The decision to allow or disallow their bots to access your content is an active voice, a statement of your stance in this new era.

More sites might start not allowing GPT, owing to potential chaos when it doesn't work as expected. Yet, this chaos often leads to innovation, transformation, and evolution.

We're in a brave new world of technology, content ownership, and digital consciousness. It's a challenging landscape filled with opportunity, creativity, and control.

We must be clear on our paths, choices, and voices as we navigate this future. It's about understanding the dynamics, opportunities, and threats and aligning ourselves with a vision that resonates with our deepest values and aspirations.

Nonetheless, I've chosen to opt out of allowing GPTBot access to this Everydays.wtf website.