2 min read

Prophetic's Halo: A Gateway to the Next Era of Transhumanism and Productive Dreaming

In an age where technology ceaselessly evolves, sleep tech emerges as a frontier brimming with untapped potential. Imagine if the dormant third of our lives, spent in sleep, could be harnessed for productivity - a realm where one can work, not despite, but through their dreams.

Enter Prophetic, a venture-backed startup that is boldly stepping into this uncharted territory. Founded just this year, Prophetic is pioneering a future where our dream states are not just for rest, but for active, conscious engagement. Their tool? The "Halo", a headpiece that promises to turn our dreams into a workspace.

The concept of lucid dreaming, where the dreamer is aware and potentially in control of their dreams, is not novel. What Prophetic offers, however, is a revolutionary approach to this phenomenon. Their Halo device, as reported by Fortune, seeks to enable users to deliberately enter a lucid dream state, thereby opening a universe of possibilities. Imagine CEOs rehearsing board meetings, athletes running through plays, or web designers crafting templates - all in their sleep.

The marketplace has seen its share of devices claiming to induce lucid dreams - headbands, eye masks, even supplements. Yet, Prophetic's approach stands out. Their method? Focused ultrasound beams to stimulate regions of the brain involved in lucid dreaming. It's a technique echoing the practices used in prenatal care but repurposed for unlocking the potential of our sleeping minds.

Behind this innovation are founders Eric Wollberg and Wesley Louis Berry III, whose backgrounds span from edtech to augmented reality art. Together, they've secured $1.1 million in Series A funding, demonstrating the market's hunger for their vision.

Yet, as with any groundbreaking technology, skepticism abounds. Experts like Antonio Zadra, a psychology professor and lucid dreamer, caution that controlling dreams is a complex feat, even for experienced practitioners. They suggest that achieving this control - essential for the work applications Prophetic envisions - might require more than just a device, but a combination of mindfulness techniques.

In defense, Wollberg cites studies linking prefrontal cortex activation to dream control. Prophetic's research, in collaboration with the Donders Institute in the Netherlands, aims to refine this understanding and target the brain with precision.


As we await the release of the Halo in 2025, one can't help but ponder the broader implications. At a price range of $1,500 to $2,000, the device isn't just a luxury item; it's a potential harbinger of a new era of transhumanism. It represents a step towards biohacking without invasive body modifications, a testament to how technology can seamlessly integrate with our natural states to enhance our capabilities.

The question now is not just about the feasibility of Prophetic's Halo but about the ethical and social ramifications of such technology. Will this pave the way for a future where our sleep is not just restful but productively utilized? Only time, and perhaps our dreams, will tell.