2 min read

The iPhone 15's Ascension: Beyond a Phone, Towards Gaming Dominance and Spatial Reality

Apple’s announcement of the iPhone 15 for preorders starting tomorrow, at first glance, may feel like the typical yearly upgrade. It's easy to dismiss the changes as incremental. But, I would argue that there’s more beneath the surface, especially when you consider the addition of USB-C. Two distinct reasons make this generation stand out: Gaming and Spatial Video.

The Gaming Era

When Apple first opened the iPhone to third-party developers, the gaming landscape shifted. Mobile gaming, once an afterthought, was suddenly at the forefront, crafting an empire that even traditional consoles couldn't ignore. However, the realm of AAA gaming, that high-octane space occupied by Xbox and PlayStation, remained elusive.

With the iPhone 15 Pro, Apple is poised to break that barrier. We're talking about titles such as Resident Evil 4 Remake and Death Stranding - games previously tethered to high-end consoles. The heart of this transformation? The A17 Pro chip finds peers like the Steam Deck and the Asus ROG Ally. Furthermore, with external devices like the Backbone One USB-C controller, we see the possibility of the iPhone rendering other gaming hardware obsolete.

However, challenges abound. iOS, despite its impressive ecosystem, struggles when pitted against Windows or SteamOS in gaming compatibility. Apple’s recent WWDC did provide a glimmer of hope regarding compatibility tools, yet the road to mainstream AAA gaming is filled with pitfalls.

The Dawn of Spatial Video

Enter the second transformative feature: Spatial Video. In an age where the Metaverse is not just a buzzword but an emerging reality, Apple's foray into spatial content can be a game-changer. The Apple Vision Pro headset, slated for release in 2024, will be the exclusive viewer for these three-dimensional videos.

The implications are profound. Your iPhone isn't just a communication tool—it's a conduit to capture moments in a spatial dimension. While the exact compatibility outside of Apple’s ecosystem remains murky, the very introduction of this format paints a clear picture of where Apple sees the future: immersive, interactive, and in three dimensions.


The iPhone 15 isn't just an upgrade—it's a statement. A statement that Apple is not content with the present, constantly pushing the envelope, setting the stage for a future where our devices are not just passive screens but active gateways into new dimensions of experience. Whether it's the high-adrenaline world of AAA gaming or the immersive allure of spatial video, Apple is signaling a shift. The onus now lies on developers and consumers: are we ready to take the leap?

Personally, since I skipped the upgrade cycle for the iPhone 14, I will be purchasing the iPhone 15 Pro Max. As for storage, I’ll be eyeing that 1TB model as well since the extra space will come in handy for games and spatial videos.

For those interested in diving deeper into the future of technology and its implications, my WTF Journal serves as a repository of thoughts and questions that can guide your exploration. After all, the future is not something to predict; it's something to be understood.