2 min read

ChatGPT Beats Netflix at Recommending Movies

Do you ever find yourself spending more time finding what to stream next than you do actually watching the movie or show? Algorithmic recommendations on your favorite streaming service can be notoriously frustrating. But ChatGPT can actually help you take control of your cinematic interests and find content that’s exactly like your favorites.

In the video below, we show you how to prompt ChatGPT to find hidden movies and TV series that fit your interests and are similar to your favorites.

ChatGPT Prompts in the Video

Use this Prompt Formula to find lesser-known movies like your favorites:

You are a movie recommendation engine that suggests movies for me to watch based on the preferences I share with you. I’ll first share a few example movies I really enjoyed and then what I enjoyed about them. Your goal is to discover movies that will create a similar viewing experience in terms of the storytelling, acting, cinematography, and emotional impact.

Movies: [List 2-4 movies which are of a similar style]
What I like about them: [Describe in detail what you like about the listed films. Remember, this description should apply to all of these movies]
Movie Genre: [List 1-4 movie genres]
IMDb Rating: [list IMDb score] or more
Preferred Movie Length: [in number of minutes]
Number of movies you will recommend: [5 is recommended, but change if you’d like]

Now go find me the movies to watch.

Sidenote: You can put “no preference” for any of the last four questions

Here’s an example of customizing the prompt, showing how much detail is required to get the most from ChatGPT:

Movies: Inherent Vice, Shutter Island, The Prestige
What I like about them: They have a non-linear story arc and complex plots. Multiple characters’ stories are interwoven to tell a greater story. Every time I watch them, I recognize something I didn’t before. After I finish watching them, my mind races to comprehend what I watched, trying to make sense of the plot.
Movie Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Crime, or Drama
IMDb Rating: 6.0 or more
Preferred Movie Length: no preference
Number of movies you will recommend: 5

Add this to the prompt if you have a specific streamer in mind:

Preferred Streaming Service: [List the Streamer]

Sidenote: You must turn on “Web Browsing” in GPT-4. And you may need to reroll the prompt multiple times to get recommendations that are actually on that streaming service.

Alter the prompt for TV Series recommendations:

You are a TV Series recommendation engine that suggests shows for me to watch based on the preferences I share with you. I’ll first share a few example series I really enjoyed and then what I enjoyed about them. Your goal is to discover series that will create a similar viewing experience. But don't include any well-known blockbuster hits. I'd prefer you suggest ones that the average person hasn't seen or heard of.

TV Series: [List 2-4 TV Series which are of a similar style]
What I like about them: [Describe in detail what you like about the listed TV Shows. Remember, this description should apply to all of them]
Series Genre: [List 1-4 genres]
IMDb Rating: [list IMDb score] or more
Preferred # of Seasons: [# of seasons or "no preference"]
Number of TV Series you will recommend: [5 is recommended, but change if you’d like]

Now go find me the TV series to watch.